Aloha Sluts is a project of former Los Cheatos frontman Arny. The journey that started with Los Cheatos is taken on a next level with the Aloha Sluts. It sounds more of-road, like a gravel path into the desert. Bluesy, moody and experimental. Of course the typical surfsound is conserved but the influences of Link Wray and some old blueshowlers is more evident.

Tons of songs are written and are waiting to get recorded. But due to the lack of a motivated drummer we started a sideproject under the name of THE ALOHA SLUTS JUKEBOX EXPERIENCE. The live set contains self written originals and cover versions of johnny cash, eddy cochran, j.l. hooker, sesamestreet, ren and stimpy and ofcourse link wray. A live EP will be released soon.

THE ALOHA SLUTS JUKEBOX EXPERIENCE can be booked for weddings, funerals, divorces, tequila-parties and is an ideal pause-act for tennismatches and festivals.e